As of January 1, 2014 Colorado was the first state to allow adults over the age of 21 to buy recreational marijuana. This is a major success in the journey towards legalization and it is time to celebrate! This does not mean that there are no rules to legalization and not everyone will be open for business on the first of the month. Recreational marijuana has come with its own boundaries and limitations that you want to keep in mind when you start looking for where to get your first legal amount of weed. This is not an all inclusive list of rules and regulations however these tid-bits of information might help you avoid getting into some trouble.
Recreational Marijuana Laws and Facts
1. Photo I.D.
You must present a current state or country photo I.D. proving you are over the age of 21 years
2. Out of State Recreational Marijuana Purchase Amounts
People living in the state of Colorado are allowed to purchase up to an ounce at one time. Out of state residents may purchase as much as a quarter of an ounce at one time.
3. Can I Smoke Pot in Public in Colorado?
Consumption of recreational marijuana is still prohibited in public areas. If you are caught doing so you will be issued a ticket along with a fine.
4. Where Can I Buy Recreational Marijuana?
Only licensed recreational facilities will be able to sell to the general public. Medical marijuana dispensaries will still cater to patients holding a state issued red card. Our listings of recreational facilities can be found here.
5. Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana
You CAN get a DUI from ingesting weed and getting behind the wheel. The legal limit is 5 nanograms of THC in your blood and if a blood test is refused, you will lose your license. It does not pay to smoke and drive!
This is a major step forward in ending marijuana prohibition however the world is watching. It is up to Colorado to show everyone that recreational marijuana can be regulated in a way that is similar to alcohol but that is used in a responsible and social manner. Colorado is creating a model for other states to follow in order to progress as a country that will decriminalize and legalize recreational use of marijuana. If you would like to know more about the differences between medical and recreational marijuana in Colorado vie this article. This journey has come a long way, yet it still has a long way to go. As the old saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day” so in the mean time, head to your local pot-shop and taste the sweet flavor of democracy. You will probably be able to smell it too.
By: Denver Dispensaries
You knew it was coming, the text in this article is informational only and not intended to be legal or medical advice or recommendations in any way. Use this information as you will with your own discretion.
The bottom line is – be safe, follow the rules, and enjoy some Mary Jane while you are in the Bicentennial State for your Rocky Mountain High!